
The derive of AMA

AMA 源自西班牙文AMOR"愛"的動詞變化,我們最愛的阿嬤,在十年前開始必須改善飲食習慣,姊姊很心疼被剝奪了許多樂趣的阿嬤,於是開始尋找有益體質的配方!經多年來的努力,一系列阿嬤的精選產品終於誕生了!

"AMA" is a term derived from a Spanish verb AMOR which means "LOVE". We have a series of AMA's の Special Selection. A series of superb beverage produce with Love and Passion. After many years of afford,
we have come out with a series of AMA's の Special Selection

白咖啡 - 採用天然蔗糖,椰奶提煉品,混合上等咖啡豆精華,
麥片 - 擁有真正糙米古早味,
可可 - 富含鐵質鈣質,醇厚濃郁,

AMA's の Ginseng Coffee, Rich Cocoa-Mix, Hi-Fiber Cereal, White Coffee with low sugar, White Coffee without sugar and many more to come. They are all made by THECUPS special collection drinks. The series of AMA's の Special Selection drink are mixed with superior high quality extracts of Arabica and Robusta Coffee Bean, Coconut milk base creame, raw sugar and no artificial coloring, no preservatives, no chemical enhancer and also low in Trans Fatty Acid.


We would like to take this opportunity to share with everyone the goodness of AMA's の Special Selection especially those with health conscious to have more choices of beverages and also it is suitable for Lacto-Vegetarian Let's all enjoy AMA's の Special Selection series of beverages.